I've had a 'sort-of' command squad for the Divine Exorcists for a while, so I thought it was about time I actually got the squad sorted.
Therefore I created two veterans to go with my existing company champion. I'm quite pleased with the poses and can't wait to paint them!
Yes, I definitely do like painting daemons. I bought two of these metal daemon princes back in the early 2000s. Both got built and painted, and one survived the ages as Kamonok of the World Eaters of Frenesia (see my relevant thread). The other was painted hideously and was eventually taken apart and stripped. Recently I rebuilt it and converted it a bit. This ANGRY looking creation is the result. It wasn't intended to represent a particular god, but rather just be a way of trying a different colour scheme to those I usually go for. It came out fairly well, I reckon. I didn't give it a name since it will only be used for dark apotheosis results in games (probably)!
Chief Librarian Israfil of the Divine Exorcists. Considering the Divine Exorcists supposed to be led only by librarians, it's taken me a long time to make any librarians!
He was good fun to make, with his 'superhero' stance. I made his psychic hood, in one of my more creative moments, from an SM shoulder pauldron.
The base is made by pressing various rocks and resin bases into a block of playdough and casting from the resulting mould with resin.
I'm proud to say that my Divine Exorcists space marine army is now finished. By that, I mean that all the units I wanted to include are now complete, and there are no projects on the go at present. I might paint up a character or two from time to time (no army is ever truly finished), but at least I can cross this force off my list of projects that are in progress!
The army contains a variety of miniatures acquired from different sources. Some, such as the vindicator, one of the land speeders and many of the power armoured marines are from my little brother's collection that he passed to me when he gave up the game in about 2000 (hence the vindicator looking like it's been put together by Orks). Others, such as the land raider and the assault terminators, were bought second hand from ebay and repainted. There are metal sergeants and modern plastic vanguard veterans. The dread is metal and the terminator squad is a mixture of metal and plastic models.The bikes really were cobbled together, featuring dark vengeance ravenwing bikes, some of my brother's plastic bikes, and a metal attack bike. I enjoyed bringing a force together from many different sources and trying to make them look homogeneous.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of the complete force. The pictures have a lot of light in them (they're right by a window), but let's just say it's the Light of The Emperor...