Saturday, 27 July 2019

Librarius Conclave

I've always been a fan of small cohorts of characters: I particularly like how the original Apocalypse rules had formations of Librarians, Captains and Chaos Lords who worked in tandem with some sort of special bonus. Beyond the obvious gaming fun, the images of groups of characters standing on mountain tops and posing were inspiring to a collector. 

Creating such groups hasn't been difficult, because generally like collecting characters. I have a lot of them! I never had many librarians though, until I created the custom 'Divine Exorcists' chapter, led exclusively by librarians.

With that in mind, here is my latest librarian, Lamestin:

and the Librarius Conclave of the Divine Exorcists:

until next time!

Saturday, 20 July 2019


Today's model is a simple little dwarf  - a fyreslayer! I picked this model up from a bitz store on a whim, thinking it would be fun to paint, and it was! No conversion here; I just put it together and painted it up with a simple colour scheme. It was interesting to see if I could produce the lava glow effect on the base, and it came out okay, even if I think I could do better next time.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Face of the Gods

Hey all, this week is just one more model for my little Necron Phalanx. This is the beautiful transcendant C'Tan. The paintjob is quite simple, with a white undercoat followed by Hexwraith Flame and then Lamenters Yellow glaze. The effect is very pleasing and, aside from a little bronze on the collar, I just left it there!

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Another Minotaur: Sternguard Veteran

Today I can show you the second Minotaur space marine. This one is a sternguard veteran with grav gun. The model features parts from the vanguard veteran and sanguinary guard kits, and I think it works well as a piece, with a dynamic pose.

Leviathan Dreadnought

Today's mini is a humble Leviathan Dreadnought. This is one of the Forge World ones, which I bought just before the plastic one came out...