Saturday, 23 April 2022

Better late than never

I can't believe it, but somehow I managed to forget to post this model! This is the Shadowsword I built from the kit that my girlfriend bought me last year for my name day. The Shadowsword (aka Baneblade) kit is not the easiest to put together: it's rather old as a kit and the parts aren't numbered like modern kits. You also have to be careful with some sub-assemblies or they won't line up properly when you put everything together. 

I thought about painting it in a camo scheme, but in the end I decided that a bright scheme was more me, so this represented the start of my blue Cadian force! As always, these big tanks take a long time to paint; especially if you want to put a highlight on each rivet, as I did! 

Enjoy the pictures!


Saturday, 2 April 2022

Riding the wolves

I have always admired the Thunderwolf Cavalry models. When that happens wth a kit, I usually end up getting it! 

These were really nice to paint: lots of different textures, and the Space Wolves colour scheme is a satisfying one to do. I might get some more! Take a look at the pictures:


Leviathan Dreadnought

Today's mini is a humble Leviathan Dreadnought. This is one of the Forge World ones, which I bought just before the plastic one came out...