The flamer guy should be more upright, but I didn't glue him to the base properly, and I swapped the head on the chainsword-wielder as he lacked that mechanicus vibe.
Time for some chosen!
I had to make use of these AoS models, and they give some interesting options for weapons. The hand swaps were good fun, and the backpacks were fairly easy to fit.
I was worried that the 40k models would look too small, but they seem to be fine, though that is probably due in no small part to the Khorne helms that I have added / converted.
The model with the massive sword is the champion.
So my havocs are looking pretty nifty, being led by Aspiring Champion Zanik. 2 plasmas and a flamer, which is strapped to the marine's body using gold chains, as suggested by KernelTerror.
I have more cool models to show you in the coming weeks. I've made a few bits but they won't be posted 'til they're painted, just coz they're too cool to reveal now

Woah... I painted this in two days. That's fast for me! I guess it was just a lot of fun.
May I present: Kraadax, Bloodthirster of the Eighth Host.
A Vindicator!
I bought a box of 2nd hand miniatures on ebay, and one of the models was this badly put-together and thickly painted Vindicator. I couldn't do anything about the modelling (the side panels were put on really strangely and there is a gap at the rear), but I stripped the paint as best I can. I didn't strip it all, and there was some lumpy paint left on, but I thought I would use that to give the tank a warped and ancient look. After converting it up with spikes and a Khorne Berzerker, I added as much grime as I could - chips, scratches, corrosion, rust and washes. I hope you think it looks archaic and chaotic!
Phew... It felt like they took a while, but they're finally done, and I'm quite pleased with the dark mechanicus cultists, led by Agitator Otrok
These fellas will form a retinue (meat shield!) for Warpmsith Prostřednik as he patrols the battlefield, repairing his mighty daemon engines. Perhaps they can help repair or suggest improvements to these infernal machines.
In the final picture, you can see Prostřednik with his retinue and two of his mighty creations: the Decimator siege engine, Katastrofa, and the insane Helbrute, Mrtvych Lebky.
This is the model for Samus, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm.
I, however, am going to run him as a Bloodthirster who lost his wings, called Xanrezhal.
Behold the might of Xanrezhal, The Drinker of Blood and Bloodthirster of the Third Host.