Friday, 1 January 2016

Warning: I copied this post from my dakkadakka forum blog, and amalgamated several posts into one blog post.

Helbrute Mrtvych Lebky is nearly done. This crazed being of metal and flesh has two power fists to help wrench the heads from the lackeys of the False Emperor...
I find taking pictures quite useful before a model is done, as I can more clearly see what needs attention.

After seeing Krautscientist's AoS model with a backpack, I realised that was what was missing from my first aspiring champion (cheers KS)
Now this fella has both a backpack and a name - Slava. 

Now that the first squad is finished, I can get back to my favourite activity: making infantry and converting models!
I'm not so good at vehicles - I don't find them as interesting - so any advice on improving the rhino would be welcome.

I had a little conundrum to solve. I like to paint my power weapons with a blue glow to make them stand out from normal CCWs. I then, without thinking, painted Aspiring Champion Slava with a blue axe, but it's supposed to be an Axe of Khorne. I didn't really think about making the AoK different to a power weapon. I didn't want to repaint it, because I did a great job, so what to do! The answer was obvious. Slava would be moved up to the Chosen squad, where he can be equipped with a power weapon, and I could make a new asp champ and come up with a colour scheme for the AoK. I came across a tutorial on another website that made the sword look like lava, and decided that was the way to go. So here it is! The AoK is the first picture and the power weapon is the second one.

I'm getting pretty quick with this painting malarkey! These marines aren't quite finished, but they're getting there. Aspiring Chamption Žnec and his squad of berzerkers.
I think I can reward myself with some building and converting now!

Some more interesting creations abound in this post!

Below you will find a squad of Fallen Angels (obviously not part of the Bloodstorm), a Warpsmith and a warped looking rhino. I think the rhino needs some more spiky bits, but I'm quite pleased with the maw on the hull.

A bit more painting has been done. I decided that the bare-chested berzerkers needed a matching champion. Slava just stood out from the squad too much. He has now been promoted to the ranks of the chosen,
Here is aspiring champion Rozbořit and Warpsmith Prostřednik. Prostřednik was a fun kitbash, utilising parts from the wrathmongers, CSM tactical, warriors of chaos, maulerfiend and possessed kits, and a scratchbuilt bionic arm!

And here is Rozbořit with his squad of Berzerkers.

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