Monday, 1 January 2018

Tyranid Hive Tyrant

Although I'm continuing to worth through the big box of Tyranids for Peter's swarm, I thought for Christmas, I'd get and paint him something a bit more special. Thus I picked up a Hive Tyrant. I wanted it to tower over everything else in the swarm, so I created a scenic base for it to stand on. I also added an element of diorama, with a soldier, sitting, holding his lasgun and peering up at the monster looming overhead.

Painting the green skin and black carapace is fairly quick, so I spent most of my time painting the glorious purple wings. It came out quite well, and Peter was really pleased with it.

I really do enjoy painting massive models, so I guess it's a good thing that I have a few sitting around waiting to be built!

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