Saturday, 20 April 2019

Divine Exorcists Librarian Araqiel

Hey all! I hope you enjoyed my array of images of my Dark Angels army last week! Boy, were there a lot! Not quite as many this week, but then there are only two models! Hehe.

The first model is Librarian Araqiel of the Divine Exorcists. You may recall that my homegrown chapter is led exclusively by librarians, and so it behoves me to make a few librarians. I like most of the librarian miniatures that have been released by GW over the years - I think it's the ornate armour, robes and the fact that they're often in poses that are a little different from most other miniatures, often striding across the battlefield or casting a power, rather than hacking and slashing or shooting.

This mini is a conversion of the Dark Angels librarian from the Dark Vengeance boxset. I already have an unconverted version in my Dark Angels army, so, when I acquired another version, I decided to convert so that (a) it was different and (b) it didn't have too much DA iconography on it, and I think it worked out well! Araqiel has a different right hand, and complete left arm, with a force sword from the Grey Knights kit. The power plant is diferent too.

The second model is an Ork Nob. I didn't really expect to be painting Ork infantry right now, but it was sitting there, primed and ready, and I thought.. why not? I'm making a very small Ork force (at least initially) - most like a kill team, with a big converted trukk to ride on. The colour scheme will be lots of metal and rust and so on, so the only bright colour will be their skin and a little purple, as you can see here.

Finally, I'd like to a little showcase of another of Martin's amazing creations. Well... three creations, actually. Martin loves heldrakes so much he decided to make three of them. One is standing on the ground, one on some rocks, and the third flying. These models are just... EPIC! I love the amazing conversions that Martin comes up with! Martin has been working on these for a while and is very proud to finally be able to share them with the world. I hope you like them!

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