Wednesday, 22 May 2019


You know what? I can't believe that someone as obsessed with Khorne has as few bloodletters as I have! Until today, I had eight OOP metal bloodlettters and eight modern ones. That's not a lot. So today helps rectify that situation. I finished another squad of eight this week. I'll probably run them as a squad of 16 (the modern ones, that is). I find it slightly annoying that the rules say a minimum squad of ten, when eight is the favoured number of Khorne. Sixteen will have to do, I guess! Here are the new ones:

Bloodletters are pretty easy to paint. I did these in an afternoon, and so if you are a beginner looking for an easy start to your painting hobby, I can recommend the Khorne daemons. Both these and flesh hounds can be painted in the same way - with a lot of drybrushing - and so provide an easier way to build an army, compared to say, Aeldari or Chaos Space Marines.

I occasionally have painted miniatures for sale, so if you are looking for some nicely painted miniatures, check out my ebay store at:

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Leviathan Dreadnought

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