So this week I decided to make a bit of progress on these, and managed to paint ten as Blood Angels and five as Black Templars. I chose Black Templars for the extra five since I already had a marine painted up by someone else as a Black Templar. This model was on a slightly larger base, and is a modern style marine, one of the other marines was a slightly blobular modern marine with two bolt pistols (again, not my modelling work), so I just went for a quick Black Templars job. Remember, the idea behind doing all these is really just to do something with all these old models, and probably use them in Apocalypse games.
I also painted up the metal Death Company models, which, were actually unpainted when I got them, so I did a slightly better job with those than I did with all the other plastic marines. Death Company are quite fun to paint, I discovered! The mainly black armour with red and gold details is a bit like Black Legion, but without all the fiddly armour trim!
The final model was a very old Rogue Trader model. This fellow had been sittingin my bitz box for ages, until I saw him today and decided he would work within my Blood Angels force. I didn't know what the model was meant to be, but luckily, the very helpful Campbell McLaughlin found an image online that shows it is meant to be 'Brother Matthews', a marine with a power sword. Thanks, Campbell!
I gave him a plasma pistol and painted him up as a Blood Angel Captain. Martin said he looked a bit like Santa Claus, so this fellow is now named 'Santus'.
Here's everything together:
The Blood Angel Tactical Squad with Santus:
The Death Company Squad:
and the Black Templars Crusader Squad:
Thanks for reading!
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