Monday, 27 May 2019

Sons of Sanguinius (bank holiday special)

Today is an update on my Blood Angels project, where I try to create a 90s feel, with some classic models and goblin green bases.

I'm really pleased to have finished another model that I've coveted for a long time. I painted this Blood Angels Captain almost exactly as shown on the cover of the second edition box set, exchanging yellow for gold to keep him up to date. I also ignored the black flames as I consider them a bit dated now. I think my highlighting has improved a bit, and I even got some nice white reflctions across the power fist and right arm.

I finished a command squad too, and this features a few unique models - the company champion is based on a metal chaplain and the marine next to the apothecary is based on a death company model. As with all the mainline troops, these are finished with goblin green, flocked bases, although these are 32mm bases, just because they look cooler. I'm mixing my retro and modern aesthetics here... hehe

The rhino is a classic rhino with modern Forge World doors. The paint is not perfectly smooth because I had to strip it and stripping sometimes leaves you with an uneven surface, either because some paint won't come off or because you scratch the surface while scrubbing it. Despite this, I think it looks very nice and perfectly in keeping with the rest of the army. This project was never intended to be super high quality anyway. If that sounds odd, just note that I paint a lot of models and I don't paint every single one to the best of my ability. I divide my time up so that models I love get more attention than, in this case, a roughly stripped old rhino that will transport some quickly painted OOP space marines!

The army is nearly finished now. Just a dreadnought and another squad of tactical marines to paint and... I will assemble them for a group shot. I was going to say 'and they'll be finished,' but we all know that would be a lie... *wink*

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Leviathan Dreadnought

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