Saturday, 30 November 2019

Ordo Chronos!

Hey all! Something that will be news to you is that I'm slowly working on an Ordo Chronos warband. The warband will contain a lot of grimy looking servants and a steampunk aesthetic. These models embody that perfectly - they're two robotic dogs from Wild West Exodus, that came free with Miniature Wargames magazine.

Second is this inquisitorial transport vehicle. I thought I'd posted this a while back when I made it, but maybe I didn't! Here it is. The vehicle comes from Wargame Exclusive. The Inquisitor who rides in it doesn't yet exist, but they will do soon! The vehicle itself will be the only part that's particularly blinged up, as the Inquisitor has an exaggerated sense of their own importance!

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Leviathan Dreadnought

Today's mini is a humble Leviathan Dreadnought. This is one of the Forge World ones, which I bought just before the plastic one came out...