Saturday, 11 June 2022

I'm back!

Hey readers, 

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. The reason is that I got back into Magic: The Gathering and have been really focused on that, so have barely thought about miniatures, let alone painted any. This is a thing that just happens to me. I find it hard to focus on more than one hobby at a time, so sometimes I switch to another hobby for a period of time and others get neglected. It's not always pleasant to lose interest in something, and it pained me that I couldn't finish certain models.


However, I eventually got back into it, and this is the first fruit of my labours. This is a heavy weapons squad for the Wings of Vrayax. The lascannons are all conversions, five of the soldiers are Victoria Miniatures Arcadian Guard, and the guy with the grenade in his hand is from Wargames Atlantic. The transfers are all custom printed. Cat from Bad Squiddo Games!


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Leviathan Dreadnought

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