Today's model is the wonderful Ent who helps Merry and Pippin escape the Uruk-Hai, Treebeard.
Whilst the majority of the minis in my Middle Earth collection are the ones my friend gave me, I decided that each army needed a centrepiece model. I already have the Balrog for the side of Evil, but nothing for the Free Peoples. Hence Treebeard! It was really refreshing to be painting a model that is entirely natural surfaces like bark and leaves. I tried to use a few different colours layered up on the bark so the model has some depth. I then added a different coloured highlight on his face and beard so it stood out a little.
I painted Merry and Pippin separately and had to stick them to cocktail sticks to hold them because they are so tiny! I did my best to bring out the details on the Hobbits, but they are so small that it was very difficult. In the end, the model looks very cool and I reckon he will look excellent on the battlefield, towering over the enemy Orcs!
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