Friday, 22 November 2019

Introducing the Wings of Vrayax

Here I introduce the force known as the Wings of Vrayax. This force, formerly known as the Planetary Defence Force of Vrayax, were the defenders of their Imperial home planet until a series of events led them to secede from the Imperium and become independent. Now their task is harder than ever as the Imperium seeks to reclaim the planet or wipe them out. 

Below is the first squad. This is made from 'female arcadian guard' models from Victoria Miniatures, with a extra head (the one wearing a hijab) from Shapeways, a heavy bolter from the Imperial Guard Valkyrie kit and a cat from Bad Squiddo Games.

Over the comng weeks, I hope to bring you more of these folks as I build the army!

Heavy bolter team

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