Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Black Legion cultists

I actually forgot to post these a while back... which is silly, because I'm really proud of these models! I love building cultists. Seriously, folks; I love it! I think there are so many parts you can use that there are almost infinite combinations. I have over 100 cultists in my collection now, and they are nearly all unique from each other. Some are unconverted, but if I have a second that's identical, I will convert it so I don't have two the same. I also have some really cool kitbashed models that are totally bizarre and chaotic! I use any human-sized parts I can find that might work, so I have parts from Necromunda gangers, Cadians, Catachans, Empire, Skeletons, Zombies, Tzaangors, Forge World renegades, bloodletters... the list goes on. it's a great opportunity to dive into my bitz box and use up all those weird bitz!

These are my most recent Black Legion cultists:

I really like the one with the weird skull head. The torso/legs are from an old plastic Necromunda Orlock ganger, and the right arm is from the cadian command squad.

The one on the left, with the flamer, is pretty cool. I do feel proud when I manage to make a unique model to carry a special weapon.

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