Saturday, 28 December 2019

A special diorama - Predator tank!

Today's post is rather special, as it is my first complete diorama! I made this for my girlfriend for Christmas because, although they are not a Warhammer player, they are very much interested in tanks and have started to become interested in 40k since we started going out. 

I chose the Liberators because my girlfriend is very much into dark colours such as black and purple. The Liberators also have a cool icon, a hawk's head, which I wanted to challenge myself to paint freehand. It came out fairly well.

The diorama shows a predator tank attacking a group of Chaos cultists; one of whom has been run over by the tank and has lost an arm. In that arm is... is that a bomb? Has the bomb been triggered? Is the tank going to survive?

The rear hatch is covered in designs I copied from patches on my girlfriend's denim jacket. 

I quite enjoy painting mechanicum icons and painting heat marks on gun barrels. This model has both!

A few other views:

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