Saturday, 25 April 2020

Bringing some serious firepower

The Minotaurs have thus far not been particularly well equipped with weaponry. I thought it best to rectify that by gifting them this anti-infantry Predator. It was a great eBay bargain that arrived painted black and with some Dark Angels icons on it. I removed these icons and replaced them with a Minotaurs icon from Shapeways and added some additional embellishments. The tank is now ready to crush some filthy heretics beneath its tracks.

Here it is alongside the previously painted Land Raider. Note that the Land Raider looks slightly different now: I managed to weedle out the original top part of the front hatch, and replace it with a Forge World variant. That was a satsifying job to complete, and I felt slightly brave attempting it, like the feeling when you try a really hot curry in a restaurant and you manage not to cry in front of your friends.

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