Saturday, 11 April 2020

Tooth and Nail

Today's update features this fun conversion I made from an Iron Hands model. I added some Khorne iconography, a bolt pistol and two mechatendril arms with a flamer and meltagun (the daemon engine head thingy). Thus we have a new warpsmith for the Black Legion! I'm enjoying painting up more models with the Hounds of Abaddon paint scheme. I might even use that for the Kytan that's on my table.

I also managed to finish a squad of Blood Claws, which effectively means my Space Wolves are done! I'll probably add a dreadnought, such as Bjorn the Fell-Handed, but apart from that, I am done, since I've painted all the old school Space Wolf models I had in my house! I'll do a nice group shot soon.

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Leviathan Dreadnought

Today's mini is a humble Leviathan Dreadnought. This is one of the Forge World ones, which I bought just before the plastic one came out...