Saturday, 31 March 2018

Plenty of green

Today's post is very green! I have an Ork (an Ork? Yes! An Ork!) and some tyranids.

The Ork, a Nob, is first. I painted this model up as part of campaign to raise awareness of Orks. It originated here, on CLICK HERE . To cut a long story short, Games Workshop revealed they don't have enough Orks to field a 4000pt studio army, so one Ork fan decided to start a campaign to send GW some Orks to help out. I found the concept of fans sending GW their own product hilarious, and decided to pitch in, so bought a Nob and painted it up as quickly as I could. As a consequence, it's the not the neatest mini I've ever painted, but hopefully I'll see it again in a some sort of groupshot of the minis that have been sent to GW - I really hope GW acknowledge the campaign in some capacity!

The second shot is of some more termagants for Peter's army. They're identical to the last set, but I thought I'd post them anyway, since any progress is worthy of acknowledgement! I've nearly finished the 'tyranid swarm' box that Peter bought, and so perhaps in the not too distant future, he'll feel inclined to add to the army with some more monstrous creatures (there's only so many gaunts I can paint!)

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